Pregnancy and Tobacco Use

Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to the Maine QuitLink. Expecting a baby is an exciting time and may give you a new reason to think about quitting tobacco. You may also want to quit smoking or vaping for a number of other reasons at this time in your life. We know that quitting is a very tough thing to do in any stage of life. Making a quit attempt can be a hard thing to do. We are here to help you through the process with no judgement and stigma, but with encouragement and compassion. The staff at the Maine QuitLink are ready to support you in your decision and help you lean into what is motivating you to quit at this time.

Get Support to Quit Smoking or Vaping:

You are not alone. The Maine QuitLink offers free, confidential, supportive help over the phone or online. You’ll work with a nationally certified and trained quit coach to make a personal plan for you and help you reach your quit goals.

If you are thinking about quitting, learn more about how the Maine QuitLink can support you in your quit attempt and take the first step to a healthier future with your baby.

We encourage you to follow up with your doctor about any questions you may have about quitting or cutting back your tobacco use.

Know the Risks:

Smoking, vaping, and tobacco use during pregnancy and the post-partum period can be harmful to both you and your baby’s health. Smoking, using e-cigarettes or other products containing nicotine are not safe to use during pregnancy. When you use tobacco while pregnant there are increased risks to you and your baby that include:

Risks for Women
Risks for Your Pregnancy
  • Increased risk of giving birth too early
  • Increased risk of having a baby with a low, unhealthy birth weight
  • Increased risk of miscarriage, pre-term labor, or stillbirth
  • Increased risk of complications with the placenta, the organ that helps your baby grow and develop
Short Term Risks for Your Baby
  • May cry and scream more than normal
  • May have more trouble sleeping
  • Increased risk of low birth weight and decreased brain volume
  • May develop asthma, more colds, coughs, and ear infections
  • Increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • Increased risk of serious birth defects like cleft lip or cleft palate
Long Term Risks for Your Baby
  • Increased risk of developing behavioral problems such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • May have poor reading and math skills
  • Increased risk of using tobacco themselves
  • May experience stunted growth

After the Baby is Born:


The post-partum period can be difficult, beautiful and an overwhelming time in any parent’s life. It can be easy to want to lean on old coping mechanisms when the stress increases. The highest rate of relapse for women who quit or cut back on their tobacco use during pregnancy is from birth to 6 months post-partum. The staff at the Maine QuitLink is here to help you find success in your quit attempt even if life gets stressful.


If you make the choice to breastfeed your baby and use tobacco products, you are exposing your baby to the harmful substances through your breastmilk. Talk to your doctor about the risks associated with tobacco use while breastfeeding.

Protect Your Baby from Secondhand & Thirdhand Smoke

There is NO risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of secondhand and thirdhand smoke. Keep your family and home healthier by removing secondhand and thirdhand smoke from your home.

Get the facts – Learn more about the effects of secondhand and thirdhand smoke

Quit Your Way

No matter what your quit journey looks like, we have the tools to support you. When you’re ready to quit smoking, vaping, or other tobacco use, choose the option that’s right for you.

Phone Coaching

Free 1-on-1 coaching with a certified Quit Coach to create a customized Quit Plan. People who enroll are 2X more likely to quit and using free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) triples your chances.

  • 12 weeks of FREE gum, patches, or lozenges
  • Talk to a certified Quit Coach
  • Unlimited support

Online Tools for Quitting

Free online resources with the ability to choose which tools will work best for you. The online dashboard is available 24/7 giving you the flexibility to quit at your own pace. Explore the variety of online tools offered and customize your quit plan.

  • FREE 4-week starter kit of patch, gum, or lozenges
  • Text messaging support
  • Chat online with a coach