Refer A Tobacco User

Quit Tobacco Referral Form

Quitting tobacco is often the most important thing a person can do for their future health. Advice and assistance from a provider remains a powerful tool in helping tobacco users quit. Clinical, behavioral health, and social service providers can increase a patient and client’s success in becoming tobacco-free by connecting them to proven resources. Tobacco users are 2-3 times more likely to quit with the support of the phone coaching than when they try it alone.

Get resources and learn more about referring patients and clients to the Maine QuitLink on our provider and health professional focused site,

Have questions? Contact us at or 1-800-QUIT NOW for more information about getting setup to refer tobacco users the Maine QuitLink services.

Social Services Providers can refer through through the form on and connect your client to the Maine QuitLink. They will receive a call from a Quit Coach with more information and have the opportunity to enroll in the free counseling program.