Thank you for protecting your loved ones.

Secondhand and thirdhand smoke, including vaping, can be harmful to others.

There is no safe level of secondhand or thirdhand smoke. Opening a window or running a fan will not get rid of the risks caused by breathing smoke. This means kids, family, friends, and pets are at risk. These unsafe substances, which are also in vape pens, can be breathed in by others. They cling and stick to objects in rooms, clothes, and other surfaces putting anyone around at risk.

Are you ready to quit? Find the program to help you quit your way



Secondhand Smoke

  • Secondhand smoke is what is breathed in when you are around vape or tobacco smoke.

Thirdhand Smoke

  • Thirdhand smoke is the leftover chemicals that stick on clothing, walls in a room and surfaces after someone smokes or vapes.

Secondhand and Thirdhand Smoke Risks:

  • In babies, secondhand smoke can cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
  • Kids that are around secondhand smoke have a higher risk of:
    • Asthma
    • Sore throats
    • Ear problems
    • Coughs and colds
    • Learning problems
  • Secondhand smoke contains thousands of chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer.
  • Thirdhand smoke harms babies, infants and kids. They can swallow or breathe harmful chemicals when they crawl, play, put their hands in their mouths and touch their eyes.
  • Dogs and cats are 2x more likely to get cancer if their owner smokes.
  • Pets that are around secondhand smoke are at higher risk for cancer.

Know the Law:

  • In Maine, it’s against the law to smoke or vape when a child under the age of 15 is a vehicle.

Quitting smoking or vaping is the best thing you can do to protect your health and your loved ones.

Download Secondhand and Thirdhand Smoke Resources:

Quit Your Way

No matter what your quit journey looks like, we have the tools to support you. When you’re ready to quit smoking, vaping, or other tobacco use, choose the option that’s right for you.

Phone Coaching

Free 1-on-1 coaching with a certified Quit Coach to create a customized Quit Plan. People who enroll are 2X more likely to quit and using free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) triples your chances.

  • 12 weeks of FREE gum, patches, or lozenges
  • Talk to a certified Quit Coach
  • Unlimited support

Online Tools for Quitting

Free online resources with the ability to choose which tools will work best for you. The online dashboard is available 24/7 giving you the flexibility to quit at your own pace. Explore the variety of online tools offered and customize your quit plan.

  • FREE 4-week starter kit of patch, gum, or lozenges
  • Text messaging support
  • Chat online with a coach