Military Service Members & Veterans

Becoming smoke and tobacco-free is hard but you can do it. The Maine QuitLink has free tools to help you start your tobacco-free journey.

Active-duty service members and veterans are more likely to use tobacco products than civilians. Many individuals started smoking after entering military services. Smoking harms nearly every organ in your body and negatively impacts your overall health and well-being. If you have other health issues, such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, or substance use disorder, it can affect you even more.

Take Action

When you quit smoking, vaping, or using other tobacco products, you will notice a positive difference in your physical, mental, and emotional health. As you plan your journey to being tobacco-free, it is important to have a quit plan and consider your resources, including medications, to help you succeed. The Maine QuitLink can provide free help creating a personalized quit plan and tips to control your cravings so that you can quit smoking and vaping for good.


Quit Your Way

No matter what your quit journey looks like, we have the tools to support you. When you’re ready to quit smoking, vaping, or other tobacco use, choose the option that’s right for you.

Phone Services

Free 1-on-1 coaching with a certified Quit Coach to create a customized Quit Plan. People who enroll are 2X more likely to quit and using free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) triples your chances.

  • 12 weeks of FREE gum, patches, or lozenges
  • Talk to a certified Quit Coach
  • Unlimited support

Online Tools for Quitting

Free online resources with the ability to choose which tools will work best for you. The online dashboard is available 24/7 giving you the flexibility to quit at your own pace. Explore the variety of online tools offered and customize your quit plan.

  • FREE 4-week starter kit of patch, gum, or lozenges
  • Text messaging support
  • Chat online with a coach