The American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program is part of the Maine QuitLink Suite of Services. Enroll over the phone or online to access tools to help you quit commercial tobacco your way. You can choose phone coaching and online support. The American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program provides free, culturally-tailored help to quit tobacco, including:
- 10 coaching calls with dedicated native coaches
- Support to create a customized quit plan
- Up to 12 weeks of free patches, gum or lozenges
- An online dashboard with access to educational materials, quit planning, quit progress tracking and an online community
- A focus on commercial tobacco use, including cigarettes, vaping, and smokeless tobacco
The American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program is free, confidential, and was developed with feedback from Tribal members across several states.

Get Free Help
Enroll over the phone or online to access tools to help you quit commercial tobacco your way.
Enroll Online
Call to Enroll: 855-5AI-QUIT